>> about kylie

The name is Kylie.  I would like to remain 24-years-old forever, so don't ask me next year or ever again. 

I work in the IT world by day but I moonlight as an avid crafter and antique fiend. (...when my eyes aren’t fixed on "House Hunters" or anything on TLC, that is.)  I have heard "you should have been an artist" and "you were born in the wrong era" from my mother more times than I could count. (Disclaimer: I firmly believe I hold no artistic skills, aside from aiming a can of spray-paint at a broad, plain object.  I think my mother portrays me with the mind of an artist because my clothes rarely match & I don't make my bed every day.)  Target and sandwiches are my ultimate weaknesses but my desire for the old, odd, & used constantly sneaks ahead.  Although I took an early participation in crafting, DIY, vintage, and antiques; Pinterest and the blogging world have caused my interest to peak at an all-time [and slightly dangerous] high.  I will likely end up on an episode of "Hoarders" one day.  It's acceptable if my house is full of cool things, right?

Although Omaha is "home" for now, I dream of running my own shop in a little town tucked in the mountains one day.  Interested, investors?  Have your people contact my people.  I also dream of writing a book titled "Sleeping My Way Through Life" about my battle with narcolepsy, but I'll save that discussion for another time.  You know, after my nap.

So, that's me.  I hope you find our blog useful, interesting, creative, funny, and maybe even inspirational once in a while.  We will try to keep you interested.  If nothing else, I will post a video of my toes doing this weird cramping thing that tends to keep Kelly entertained for several minutes at a time.  The promise of that to fill boring voids will surely keep you returning for more.

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