Tuesday, February 14, 2012

what a bangin' Tuesday.

Happy Valentine's Day, to all of the weirdos who celebrate this holiday! 
If you don't... Happy Tuesday, February 14th! 
I don't *think* I need to worry about any friends joining the flood of engagement announcements on Facebook, so that's a plus.
Boys, never propose on Valentine's Day.  Just... don't.  Choose a unique, unpredictable day.  Don't make us talk about you behind your back.

Anyway... today, I cut my own bangs.  My friends are probably cringing as they read this because they have vivid memories of the last time I cut my own hair.
1.) What is this face?  No seductive pose could have made this haircut look any better.
2.) Short bangs and black hair.  I was trying to emulate Shannyn Sossamon's hair in "Wristcutters."  It clearly did not work.
3.) Let's not talk about this time in my life ever again.  
I had an appointment to get my bangs cut by a professional this time.  However, I wasn't feeling well so I decided to skip and cut my own.  It turned out much better than the last attempt. (I think?) 

I really am this pale.  No illusion. 

On to the projects.... 

A co-worker really liked this print that Kelly posted a few days ago- 
via happydeliveries on Etsy
He asked if I could make something similar for his girlfriend, so I worked on my idea last night & this morning.  
It's nowhere near the quality or perfection of the above print, but I think it turned out just fine.

I painted the canvas a dark red.
I used 2" vinyl letters and positioned the quote.  I then painted over the entire  canvas with white paint.
After the paint had dried, I peeled off the letters using my  X-Acto knife.  Some letters required a little tracing of the knife to avoid peeling paint.
Touch-ups were definitely necessary. 
The final product! 
I've made a couple of these in the past:
a romantic, personalized note to a stranger I found in an old book 
I love the imperfections and I actually prefer them that way.
My friend found something similar in Hobby Lobby, so I told her I would make it instead.  She actually doesn't know I made this back in December.  I have yet to see her to hand it over!

Remember this necklace from a few posts back?  I made one for Kelly today!  I think I might just make one for myself, too. 

I ordered the copper-plated steel pieces from Etsy.  I purchased the chain, jump rings (regular & heavy gauge,) and lobster clasps at Hobby Lobby. 

 I actually ordered several different pieces of steel from the same site, so I plan on making additional necklaces & earrings.  I'll let everyone know when those are complete. I'm sure I wouldn't mind selling a few :) 

Now... some Valentine's Day love for all my single ladies & gentlemen out there -- 

And I will end with this link- "10 Awful Valentine's Day Cards

Ok, bye 

1 comment:

  1. I think your hair looked cute short! It looks cute long, too, but just sayin'. But, yes, no one can pull the Shannyn do off as well as Shannyn herself. Believe me, i've tried too.
