Tuesday, February 21, 2012

sometimes I change out of sweatpants

Once in a while, I feel like leaving the house and wearing items of clothing other than sweatpants and old t-shirts.  This happens on work days (of course/unfortunately) and occasional days off.  Today was one of those rare times.  I went to meet someone in Council Bluffs to engage in a jewelry selling deal in the Target parking lot.  It actually felt a lot like an illegal drug deal (or what I would assume one feels like.)  Weird looks were received as people glanced in my car and saw us looking through little baggies of necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings.  Whatever, Council Bluffs.  Like it's the first time. 

Anyway, here was the outfit I decided on today.  I stopped at my mom's after- every time I wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt, my mom asks, "Why are you dressed up today?"  I really just wanted to wear these Target wedges.  I'm in love.

Kelly took all of these pictures.  Even though it was just the two of us, it was still awkward.  I'm awkward. 


My jeans, shirt, cardigan, belt, and necklace are all from Forever 21 (as is the majority of my wardrobe.)  The shoes are from Target.  The rings are vintage.  Can you tell I have an obsession with turquoise?

The brick wall- it's in our alley, so I don't have to venture far from the couch.  Perfect.

Back to sweatpants and Wheel of Fortune!

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